Statement from Hitchcock ISD regarding on-campus incident at Hitchcock High School
On Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022, at approximately 1:30 pm, administration and police at Hitchcock High School were informed of a possible verbal threat made by one student to another. Moving swiftly, this matter was immediately investigated and a Threat Assessment was conducted to determine the credibility of this threat.
Administration and the Hitchcock ISD Police found that while conversing during free time in class, a student who receives special services from the district was being taunted by fellow classmates. The student responded to the taunts using inappropriate language towards the other students and the teacher deemed it to be a threat.
This was reported and investigated promptly. Upon completion of the investigation, including a physical search, and Threat Assessment, the threat was not deemed credible. Parents were notified of the situation and proper action has been taken to ensure this does not happen again. Administration and HISD Police will continue monitoring the students.
We understand the concerns surrounding all incidents, and want to assure everyone that the safety and well-being of our students and staff remain a priority at all times. To support our safety initiatives, all district staff are required to complete safety and security training prior to each school year to assist in the mitigation of such events.
If a student or parent has questions, concerns, or comments, please direct them to Christopher Filidei, HISD Chief of Police at or 409-316-6545.
Statement from Hitchcock ISD regarding on-campus incident at Hitchcock High School.pdf